Wayland in Embedded linux/9. Waylan-ivi-extension

Weston/Wayland IVI Extensions

Onionfra 2017. 6. 11. 22:55

Weston/Wayland IVI Extensions

Well-defined interface
Standardized compositing
Separation of HMI and Layer Management
Dynamically Extensions during runtime

Low integration complexity

- Each application create wayland surface

- Each wayland surface is mapped to ivi surface for being managed by HMI

- HMI manages ivi surface with Layers which group surfaces

Component diagram


-Implement ivi-client/controller protocols
-Communicate weston by plug-in APIs
-Set name of plug-in in weston.ini


-   Wrap ivi-client protocol to be compatible with Genivi LM client APIs


-Wrap ivi-controller protocol to be compatible with Genivi LM control APIs


-Management of properties of surface/layer/screen


-Management of input focus and device acceptance per surface

Automotive Graphic Requirement

Many screens,

Many devices to be managed by Central HMI controller

: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/ALS_201506_tanibata_weston_ivi_shell_v04.pdf

Managing screen,layer,surface(ivi-shell)

: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/ALS_201506_tanibata_weston_ivi_shell_v04.pdf

: http://www.bmw-carit.de/open-source/genivi-layermanagement.php